How to be prepared against home burglary and break-in to protect your family and valuables using these 9 suggestions

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Home burglary is a real threat that homeowners face, and it’s essential to prepare against it.

Annually there are 2.5 million burglaries in the United States, according to the US Department of Justice. Of those, 1.65 million are considered home invasions. According to, victims of burglaries (both private and public) lose an estimated $3.4 billion in the personal property each year.

All burglary victims lose an average of $2,416. In 2020, there were 522,426 burglaries in the US, and 62% were home burglaries. The average loss per burglary in 2019 was $2,661.

Home burglaries can happen at any time and in any neighborhood, so it’s essential to prepare for them to ensure the safety and security of your home and family. This blog post will discuss how to prepare against burglary inside your home.

1. Secure all doors and windows

Securing all doors and windows is the foundation of protecting against home burglary and break-in, and there are a few more tips that can help ensure your doors and windows are as secure as possible:

Upgrade your locks:

Invest in high-quality locks that are difficult to pick or break. Deadbolts are an excellent choice for external doors, providing extra strength and security.

Consider a smart lock:

Smart locks are becoming increasingly popular and for a good reason. They allow you to remotely lock and unlock your doors, monitor access, and receive alerts when someone enters your home. See our suggested top smart locks for doors.

Reinforce door frames:

Burglars often target the weakest points of a door, which are the hinges and the door frame. Consider installing a strike plate or reinforcing the door frame with metal or hardwood to make it more difficult to kick in.

Use window locks:

Windows can be a weak point in your home’s security, so it’s vital to use locks and other devices to secure them. Consider installing window locks or placing wooden dowels in the tracks of sliding windows to prevent them from being forced open.

Install security film on windows:

Security film is a layer of transparent film applied to the window to make breaking it more challenging. It can hold the glass together even if it’s shattered, preventing burglars from quickly gaining access to your home.

Secure the garage:

Many homeowners overlook the garage when securing their homes. Close the garage door and lock it at all times. Consider using a lock inside the door that leads from the garage to the house.

Consider a security system:

A security system is an excellent investment to protect against home burglary. If someone tries to enter your home, it can alert you and the authorities. It can also discourage burglars from targeting your home in the first place.

By taking these additional steps, you can further secure your home against burglary and ensure that all entry points are as secure as possible. It’s also important to remember that security is an ongoing process. You should regularly review and update your security measures to keep up with the latest advancements and changing threat landscape.

2. Use outdoor lighting

Outdoor lighting is a critical aspect of home security that can significantly reduce the chances of a burglary and break-in attempt. It’s essential to understand that burglars tend to avoid well-lit homes because they make it more difficult for them to remain unnoticed. Therefore, outdoor lighting effectively makes your home less attractive to burglars and increases its security.

Here are some more details on using outdoor lighting to prevent home burglary:

Types of outdoor lighting:

Various outdoor lighting can be used to secure your home. Motion-sensor lights, floodlights, and solar-powered lights are popular options to illuminate your home’s exterior.

Placement of outdoor lighting:

Proper placement of outdoor lighting is crucial to enhancing your home’s security. Installing motion-sensor lights near entry points such as doors, windows, and garages can deter burglars from attempting a break-in. Additionally, installing lights near dark areas of your property, such as alleys or driveways, can make it more difficult for burglars to approach your home unnoticed.

Solar-powered lights:

Solar-powered lights are an excellent option for homeowners who want to save on electricity bills. They use solar panels to charge during the day and automatically turn on at dusk and off at dawn. These lights make them an excellent source of steady light throughout the night, ensuring your home is well-lit even during power outages.

Motion-sensor lights:

Motion-sensor lights are popular among homeowners because they only activate when motion is detected. They are cost-effective and easily installable around your home’s exterior. When triggered, they illuminate the surrounding area, creating a well-lit environment that can deter burglars from targeting your home.


Using timers to control your outdoor lights can help make it appear like someone is home, even when you’re away. Program your timers so they can turn on and off the lights at specific times, creating the illusion that someone is in the house.

In summary, outdoor lighting is a cost-effective and practical way to enhance your home’s security and deter burglars. By strategically placing lights, using motion-sensor and solar-powered lights, and setting timers, you can create a well-lit environment that will make your home less attractive to burglars.

3. Keep your yard tidy

Keeping your yard tidy is essential in preparing your home against break-ins. Here are some more details about how a well-maintained yard can help deter burglars:

Clear visibility:

A tidy yard means no obstructions can block your home’s view from the street or neighbors. The tidiness makes it easy to see the burglars as they approach your home. Additionally, trimmed hedges and trees provide fewer hiding spots for burglars.

Avoid creating hiding spots:

Overgrown vegetation, large planters, and other outdoor objects can create hiding spots for burglars to conceal themselves while attempting to break into your home. Regular yard maintenance helps to remove these hiding spots.

Make it harder to access your home:

Ladders, tools, and other equipment left out in the yard can be used by burglars to access your home. Storing them in a locked garage or shed can help to make it more difficult for burglars to use them against you.

Show that your home is occupied:

A well-maintained yard can give the impression that your home is occupied and cared for, which can deter burglars. On the other hand, an overgrown, unkempt yard can suggest that the house is vacant, making it an easier target.

In summary, keeping your yard tidy is essential in preparing your home against break-ins. It helps to remove hiding spots, provides clear visibility of your home, and shows that the house is cared for and occupied. Additionally, it can make it harder for burglars to access your home by removing items they can use to gain entry.

4. Keep valuables out of sight

Keeping valuables out of sight is essential to home security, significantly reducing the risk of a burglary and break-in attempt. Burglars often seek high-value items they can easily steal and sell for a profit. Therefore, it’s crucial to keep your valuables hidden from view and make it difficult for burglars to locate them.

Here are some more details on keeping valuables out of sight to prevent home burglary and break-in:

Types of valuables to keep hidden:

Burglars are attracted to various high-value items, including jewelry, electronics, cash, and important documents. It’s essential to keep these items hidden from view to avoid tempting burglars into breaking into your home.

Safe storage:

Investing in a safe is an effective way to secure your valuables. Safes come in different sizes and shapes and can be hidden in a closet or other location that is not easily visible. Choosing a safe that is both fire-resistant and burglar-proof is crucial to protect your valuables from theft and damage.

Hidden locations:

Consider hiding valuables in unexpected areas that burglars are unlikely to search. For example, a secret closet, behind a false wall or panel, or a hidden safe can effectively keep your valuables out of sight. Choose a location that is not easily noticeable and that you can access easily.

Don’t flaunt your wealth:

Avoid flaunting your wealth by keeping expensive items out of sight. If you have expensive artwork, jewelry, or electronics, consider keeping them hidden in a safe location that is not easily visible.

Be discreet:

If you’re away from home for an extended period, avoid advertising your absence on social media or other public platforms. This act can tip off burglars that your home is unoccupied and make it more vulnerable to a break-in.

In summary, keeping valuables out of sight is an essential aspect of home security that can help prevent burglary and break-in attempts. Storing valuable items in a safe, choosing hidden locations, and avoiding flaunting your wealth can make it more difficult for burglars to locate and steal your belongings.

5. Install security cameras

Installing security cameras is an excellent way to enhance the security of your home and deter burglars. Security cameras can help you monitor your home remotely and provide evidence in case of a break-in. Here are some more details on how to install and use security cameras effectively to prevent burglary attempts:

Types of security cameras:

Many types are available in the market, such as wired, wireless, and battery-operated cameras. Wired cameras are connected to a power source and transmit the footage through cables. In contrast, wireless cameras send the footage using Wi-Fi or cellular networks. Battery-operated cameras are wireless and do not require an external power source. Choose a camera that suits your needs and budget.

Placement of cameras:

The placement of cameras is crucial in ensuring that they cover all entry points of your home. Install cameras at the front and back doors, garage, and windows to provide complete coverage. Consider placing cameras high up and out of reach to prevent burglars from tampering with them.

High-quality footage:

Ensure that your security cameras record high-quality video footage, useful as evidence in case of a break-in. Choose cameras with at least 1080p resolution and a wide field of view to capture as much detail as possible.

Secure storage:

Ensure that the footage captured by the security cameras is stored securely to prevent it from being accessed by unauthorized persons. Consider using cloud storage or an external hard drive to store the footage. Password-protect the footage to ensure that only authorized persons can access it.

Remote monitoring:

It’s essential to monitor your security cameras remotely, so you can keep an eye on your home even when you’re away. Many modern security cameras have a mobile app that allows you to view the footage remotely. You can also consider installing a security system that provides remote monitoring services.

In summary, installing security cameras is an effective way to deter burglars and provide evidence in case of a break-in. By choosing the right type of camera, placing them strategically, ensuring high-quality footage, secure storage, and remote monitoring, you can enhance the security and prevent home burglary and break-in attempts.

6. Get to know your neighbors

Getting to know your neighbors is an excellent way to improve the security of your home and prevent burglaries. Here are some more details on how to get to know your neighbors and create a neighborhood watch group:

Introduce yourself:

Introduce yourself to your neighbors and try to get to know them to help establish a friendly relationship, build trust, and encourage cooperation. Exchange contact information with your neighbors so that you can stay in touch.

Organize a meeting:

Organize a meeting with your neighbors to discuss concerns about the neighborhood’s security. This meeting is an excellent opportunity to establish a neighborhood watch group where you can work together to prevent burglaries and other crimes.

Assign roles:

Assign roles to members of the neighborhood watch group, such as a leader, secretary, and treasurer. Define the responsibilities of each role and establish communication channels.

Plan activities:

Plan regular activities for the neighborhood watch group, such as patrol walks, meetings, and social events. These activities can build camaraderie among members and improve the overall security of the neighborhood.

Share information:

Share information with your neighbors about crime prevention strategies, such as locking doors and windows, installing security cameras, and keeping valuables out of sight. Encourage members to report any suspicious activity to the authorities immediately.

Keep in touch:

Keep in touch with your neighbors regularly, even if it’s just a friendly hello or wave. This act can establish a sense of community and encourage cooperation in preventing burglaries and other crimes.

In summary, getting to know your neighbors and creating a neighborhood watch group can help prevent home burglaries and improve the overall security of your home and neighborhood. By introducing yourself, organizing a meeting, assigning roles, planning activities, sharing information, and keeping in touch, you can work with your neighbors to deter burglars and keep your community safe.

7. Be mindful of social media

Social media has become a significant component of our lives, and it’s a great way to stay connected with friends and family. However, it can also be a tool for burglars to target homes. Here are a few tips on how to be mindful of social media to protect your home:

Avoid sharing your whereabouts:

When you’re away from home, it’s best to avoid sharing your whereabouts on social media. Sharing includes checking in at airports or sharing your travel itinerary. Knowing you’re not there, burglars can use this information to target your home.

Wait to share your vacation photos:

It’s tempting to share your pictures and experiences with your friends and family on social media. However, it’s best to wait until you’re back home to share them. This way, you’re not broadcasting that your home is unoccupied.

Adjust your privacy settings:

Review your privacy settings on social media and adjust them accordingly. Consider limiting who can see your posts, especially if you have a public profile.

Be careful who you accept as friends:

Be wary about accepting friend requests from people you don’t know or from possible impostor accounts. Burglars can create fake profiles to gain access to your personal information and use it to target your home.

Monitor your children’s social media activity:

Children can also unknowingly share information that could compromise the security of your home. Monitor their social media activity and educate them about privacy and safety.

Don’t announce expensive purchases:

Avoid revealing expensive purchases on social media, such as a new TV or jewelry. Posting expensive purchases can make your home a target for burglars.

In summary, social media can be a valuable tool for staying connected. Still, it’s essential to be mindful of how you use it to protect your home. By avoiding sharing your whereabouts, waiting to share your vacation photos, adjusting your privacy settings, being careful who you accept as friends, monitoring your children’s social media activity, and not announcing expensive purchases, you can reduce the risk of burglars targeting your home through social media.

8. Get a dog

Getting a dog can be an excellent addition to your home security plan. Dogs are not only loyal companions, but they can also serve as effective deterrents against burglars.

Burglars often avoid homes with dogs because of the noise and attention they can draw. The sound of a barking dog can alert you and your neighbors to any suspicious activity, giving you time to take action.

Dogs also have a powerful sense of smell and hearing, making them excellent at detecting potential intruders. Some breeds, such as German Shepherds, Rottweilers, and Dobermans, are known for their protective nature and make fantastic guard dogs. However, even smaller breeds like Chihuahuas and Terriers can be effective watchdogs and alert you to potential threats.

When considering getting a dog for home security, it’s important to remember that dogs require proper training and care. Make sure to choose a breed suitable for your lifestyle and living situation. Proper training and socialization are crucial to ensure that your dog can protect your home while being a friendly and loving companion.

In addition to being a deterrent against burglars, dogs can also provide emotional support and companionship. Research has shown that pet ownership can positively affect mental health, reducing stress and anxiety. So, not only can a dog enhance your home security, but it can also improve your overall well-being.

In summary, getting a dog can be an effective way to enhance your home security. Dogs can alert you to suspicious activity, deter burglars, and provide emotional support and companionship. However, it’s important to remember that dogs require proper training and care to be effective watchdogs and loving companions.

9. Have a plan in case of a break-in

Having a plan in case of a break-in is an essential aspect of home security. In a break-in, it’s vital to stay calm and act quickly.

Call the police:

The first step is to contact the police and provide them with all necessary details, such as the number of intruders, their physical description, and their last known location. Make sure to stay on the phone with the police until they arrive.

Ensure everyone in your household knows how to contact the police in an emergency. Post the local emergency number in a visible location, and make sure everyone knows how to dial 911.

Safe room awareness:

Ensure your family knows where this room is and how to get there quickly, and they know how to properly use the room keep themselves safe. This room should have a door that can be locked and should be equipped with a phone or other means of communication to contact the police. 

Use codes:

Another critical aspect of a break-in plan is to have a code word or phrase that you can use to alert your family members of an emergency. This code word should be easy to remember but not something others can guess. Ensure everyone in your family knows the code word and its meaning.

Emergency contact list:

Gather a list of emergency contacts, including family members, friends, and neighbors who can help in case of a break-in. Keep the list in a safe location, like your designated safe room, and everyone in your family should know where it is.

Use self-defense tools as last resort:

Knowing how to use self-defense tools such as pepper spray or a stun gun can be an additional measure of protection in case of a break-in.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that these tools should be used as a last resort and only when you or your family’s safety is in danger.

It’s essential to make sure that everyone in your household is trained on how to use these tools effectively, safely, and responsibly. You can consider taking self-defense classes together as a family or watching instructional videos on how to use these tools.

It’s also important to keep these tools in easily accessible places in case of an emergency, but out of reach of children.

Be aware of the laws and regulations surrounding self-defense tools in your area and make sure you follow them.

Remember, the use of self-defense tools should only be used as a last resort, and it’s crucial to have a plan in place in case of a break-in.

Safety is the top priority

Lastly, it’s important to remember that your safety is the most important thing during a break-in. While it may be tempting to confront intruders, it’s always better to stay safe and let the police handle the situation. Remember that your possessions can be replaced, but your life cannot.

In summary, having a plan in case of a break-in is essential to home security. By staying calm, contacting the police, having a designated safe room, using a code word or phrase, having a list of emergency contacts, and prioritizing safety, you can increase your chances of staying safe during a break-in.


Taking steps to prepare your home against break-ins is important to ensure the safety and security of your family and belongings. You can reduce the risk of burglary significantly by implementing the tips discussed above, such as securing your doors and windows, installing security cameras and outdoor lighting, keeping valuables out of sight, and getting to know your neighbors. It’s also essential to have a plan in case of a break-in and to keep your yard tidy and free of potential entry tools. Remember, prevention is key, and by being prepared, you can take control of your home’s security and enjoy peace of mind.


The Zebra